You can download and stream anything that’s are fast from any other way. You can share your data by P2P area, for that reason you are safe from copyright claims. Why BitComet is best?įirst of all BitComet websites are safe from dangerous malware, but sometimes it’s risk for downloading dangerous torrents from unknown sources.
You may making all thing possible inside the browser will make downloading torrent files easer for average internet users. You can search anything on regular torrent sites for your targeted content those redirects you to Google. In this way you can easily add torrents, you can add them just drag and drop torrent files to BitComet. In the dashboard should open automatically on the selected best browser, otherwise click on the BitComet icon in the system area and launch it on the default browser.Īfter the opening browser, you may found main interface displays search option on top bar and below options to add torrents or magnet links to BitComet. After installation BitComet client start on the local system, but all management options have been going to the browser. BitComet is very fast, clean, powerful and easy to use BitTorrent / HTTP/ FTP download client.
It’s most popular way to sending and downloading torrent files. Benefit from HTTP/FTP/eMule download sources while BitTorrent downloading. BitComet free download for windows pc, It is the most popular and large area used P2P file-sharing tool in the world.